Been busy

Not much chance to blog today. Partly work has intruded but mostly my job search has intruded. When I had breaks from that I worked on a document trying to elucidate my idea for the greatest good for the greatest number.

Besides, politics is depressing today. Neither party has a plan for helping the middle class, their only focus is on getting into Wall Street’s fat wallets (or, rather, deeper into the wallets). The GOP is desperately trying to distance itself from one of its more obnoxious members (the whole Todd Akin matter) who made the Cardinal mistake of actually articulating one of their ideas in its most basic fashion. Not to worry, though, most of the people who will vote for Romney will be doing so because they hate Obama (and largely vice versa), so I would be quite shocked if Akin’s idiocy costs a single vote.

The _only_ future I see for our energy society is through biomass production, but the only feasible means of achieving the necessary scale is to produce the biomass in a greenhouse environment, something that very much drives the capital costs way up. Interestingly, even going with a very expensive greenhouse ($30/sqft) I can get more than a 10% (gross) ROI at $3.50 per gallon (all by spread sheet, of course). I can see this approach as extremely viable in just a few years when fuel prices finally stabilize at $5 per gallon. As such, there really won’t be any need to switch away from liquid fuels and there won’t be any need to invent better batteries, etc. No need, even, to posit the need for nuclear either. Kinda amazing, but then so was my calculations showing the planet could easily support a trillion people. Too bad I can’t do any of the research…

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...

2 thoughts on “Been busy”

  1. Regardless of whether or not one should vote for Romney, the choice shouldn’t be made because of something Todd Akin said, unless Romney supports it. That doesn’t seem to be the case.

    I think you’re sometimes judging the candidates in ways that you seem to normally decry. That is to say, knee-jerk reactions to non sequiturs.

    1. I am happy to agree in principle. However, without having some idea of where Romney stands on issues one has to make some sort of assumption and the assumption I am making is that he is going to go with the GOP flow and to me that flow is clear and unambiguously bad for women’s rights.

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