Romney as disaster

Romney’s ‘Free Stuff’ Speech Is a New Low

I saw part of Romney’s speech to the NAACP the other day and was just floored at the level of idiocy. It was totally clear and unambiguous to me that his only interest in doing the speech was to get booed so that he could use that to convince his base that he isn’t pandering. Boy, did he do that! Since I don’t count myself as among his base, that stunt has gone a very long way to motivating me to vote for Obama just to keep that idiot out of office. Pretty soon I might start evangelizing for Obama as the lesser of two evils and I really think Obama is quite evil!

Yes, it is frustrating to see idiot politicians flip flopping (‘pivoting’, I believe, is the term they use) and sucking up to the center once they have spent months sucking up to the extremes of their party, but the audacity to go in front of a group of people and insult them just to score points with your extreme wingnuts is a clear sign that the one thing we can absolutely count on is that Romney will accelerate the middle-class rape and pillage that Bush Jr and Obama have been engaged in these last 12 years. I see not a single shred of interest in the common good from this blowhard and while I see only tiny shreds of interest in the common good coming from our current Great President, at least he makes mouth noises from time to time about preserving parts of our tattered social safety net.

I will hold off advocating for Obama, just yet, but much like I started to think that our only hope for salvation lay with that idiot Ron Paul, I am starting to think that it will matter which Constitutional shredding, in-the-pocket-of-Wall-Street, middle-class terrorizing, pathological liar we elect and will have to support Obama as much as I detest his policies and actions. If I follow through it will represent an overturning of a lifetime’s support for Republicans, but my plan of simply sitting on the side lines for this election looks like an even worse losing strategy than voting for our current idiot in chief.

BTW, as a bit of a twofer, Jared Bernstein has an interesting post over on On The Economy that shows that the stimulus, contrary to the blather from the GOP, is documented to have softened the effects of the recession and more than likely kept it from becoming a depression: Against the Tide: Offsetting Income Losses in the Great Recession.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...