New archeological evidence

Native Americans arrived to find natives already there, fossil poo shows
Ancient darts also found in possible prehistoric pub

The Register takes a rather excessively light hearted approach to reporting, but at least they do report on some interesting things. I have followed the research on early humans in the Americas with interest and there are quite a few ‘wild’ theories that are starting to develop some clear evidence. It is well known (among researchers) that the Vikings almost certainly visited North America, and quite plausibly settled, centuries before Columbus ‘discovered’ the Americas. Clearly conventional wisdom is not necessarily related to truth, so investigation is critical to anything meaningful. I do believe that, as Carl Sagan once said, extraordinary claims require extra ordinary evidence, but it seems to me that this evidence is now present. There should be a period where people can reevaluate a bunch of past anomalous results and see if they don’t make more sense when one considers the newer paradigm.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...