Just soazuno

Are the police tracking your calls?

I would be shocked to find out if any of my reader(s) are shocked by reading this, but felt it had a place here none-the-less. In the ‘good old days’ the police had to go to a judge and get a warrant to access any of this type of information, but that has become too cumbersome today, so, much like during the mortgage loan fiasco, where legal documents were not duly registered because those managing the system couldn’t be bothered, the police don’t want to bother following the law either. Now, if we had a responsible judicial branch and judges started to throw out cases because of this illegally collected information, then I bet the police would find the time. Instead what I am seeing is the specific bits of information that were illegally collected are simply discarded, yet often times without that illegal information no case could have been built in the first place.

Of course, this is what police states do, so we must just get used to it.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...