Just in case

I doubt I have any raving GOP wingnuts in my reader(s), but just in case…

Why ‘President Romney’ Would Be a Disaster for Women

I like women a whole lot and figure that they are likely smarter (on average) than us Neanderthal, knuckle dragging goons. Certainly the one I married is! I strongly believe that if we have more women in our government that our government would be smarter (well, perhaps that is too generous, how about less dumb?). Ditto for our corporate leadership (ditto for less dumb). It frustrates me to no end that the GOP is so intent on marginalizing women (except, of course, when it comes to getting their votes, but I am already on record as considering all politicians as pathological liars); each election I get pushed more and more toward being a liberal (or perhaps, each election the GOP moves further to the right such that what used to be considered middle ground is now liberal).

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...