Bla bla bla police state bla bla bla

Prosecutors Gone Wild: How Many Wrongful Convictions Will the Public Stand for?

While waiting for my lovely wife so we can enjoy our 14th wedding anniversary I picked an article to read and it triggered such a response I felt it warranted a post. As some of you reader(s) might already know, I have strong feelings about equal application of law, silly things like the Constitution and the notion of fair play in our government. As such I tend to drone on and on and on (and on again) about the police state our country has embraced (starting before 9/11, but certainly blasting forward since then). Prosecutorial misconduct is something most people can’t even pronounce, let along spell or even comprehend, yet punishing it is key to a free society. This is why…

Next to the electoral accountability of government officials, the two greatest pillars of democratic civilization are the rule of law and a free press. By giving the press, in the New York Times and Sullivan, an almost absolute immunity against defamation actions, and the prosecution service an almost absolute immunity from responsibility for its own lawlessness, the Supreme Court has detonated high explosives under the foundations of American civilization.

Even we were able to elect an honest politician as President who would represent the people instead of the moneyed special interests, he/she would be blocked at every turn by our bought-and-paid-for Congress and Judiciary. We are well and truly doomed, but I get tired of repeating the same old apocalyptic themes over and over again.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...