A new blog you might find interesting…

I was contacted by a high school friend I haven’t heard from in a long time (hey Greg!) and he mentioned he had been reading a blog I might be interested in (I suggested he might be interested in mine in a bit of shameless promotion). It is called “Do the Math — Using physics and estimation to assess energy, growth, options—by Tom Murphy”. I have only read a couple of his posts so far, but I really like what I have read and plan on reading all the rest. The guy has been posting for less than a year it looks like and has less than 30 posts (all original content, I think, so way ahead of me though I have pumped out a lot more posts) and has had an amazing 700K visits to his site (I, on the other hand, am probably well under 1K total visits (according to Google Analytics I have had 244 visits with 157 of them begin unique (with my peak of 53 visitors on Jan 1 (the average is much closer to 2-3)))). If I had that many visitors I might try some advertising to see if I could bring in enough green to justify doing it full-time. However, since the primary purpose of this blog is to help my glacial day pass a wee bit faster so I can get home from work without going insane, I guess I should be happy that I have any readers at all.

Anyway, the guy’s blog looks quite interesting and he is amusing (to me), so I encourage all my reader(s) to check him out. So, with no further ado…


Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...