WMD claims heat up

I found some emails in my outbox that I guess didn’t generate any responses, but I still think they are interesting so will post them here…

U.S. official: ‘Multiple’ sources strengthen case against Iran

The more I read about this the more convinced I get that the entire thing was fabricated just to create a desire amongst the sheeple to start a military action against Iran.  Is it purely and simply an effort to try to get Obama re-elected?  Can our government have deteriorated to such a state?  While Bush’s (junior) war was clearly based on fabricated information, I was convinced he was after Saddam because Saddam had tried to kill his daddy rather than a play to keep his job.  Not that is in any way, shape or form justification for a trillion dollar (all borrowed, of course; why is it Republicans are perfectly OK with borrowing money for war?) war that killed (at least) 100K people in Iraq, but at least it wasn’t purely and simply an effort to get re-elected as this appears to be to me.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...