It seems clear it was manufactured

I found some emails in my outbox that I guess didn’t generate any responses, but I still think they are interesting so will post them here…

just to provide an excuse to start bombing Iran:

Used-car salesman as Iran proxy? Why assassination plot doesn’t add up for experts.
The US has blamed the specialist Qods Force in an Iran assassination plot. But those who track the group say the plot doesn’t reflect the careful planning, efficiency, and strategy the Qods Force is known for.

I admit I don’t follow middle east politics that closely, but I never got the impression that Iranian intelligence was incompetent.  There is no conceivable reason why assassinating a Saudi (and a nobody as well!) on US soil could possibly lead to any sort of benefit to Iran. Add to that the FBI’s long history of fabricating terrorists out of thin air and the idea that this was masterminded by Iran becomes ludicrous.  Since it has been getting so much press play by our so trustworthy government indicates to me that they (our government fire-breathers) are itching for an excuse to invade Iran and will latch on even something as blatantly fabricated as this (indeed, it is easy to believe the FBI was specifically instructed to create this exact scenario just to create this ‘crisis’).  So, in addition to our current three wars, now we are going to add yet another.  Just in time for an election!

Anyone watch ‘Wag the Dog’?

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...