Free speech is a sham in the ‘free’ world

France Arrests a Comedian For His Facebook Comments, Showing the Sham of the West’s “Free Speech” Celebration

I really don’t have much to add, so much like my previous post I just want to ‘retweet’ it. It never ceases …

Organic: better, the same or worse?

Is organic food better for you?

While things _may_ have progressed to the point where we are getting negative returns on our investment, for the most part the last several centuries of steadily increasing technological application toward food has …

Tamiflu is a billion-dollar boondoggle

Updated Review: Tamiflu Is a Bust
After finally getting their hands on full clinical study reports, independent reviewers say the antiviral drug is ineffective.–Tamiflu-is-a-Bust/

I mentioned Tamiflu and its uselessness when I complained about the uselessness of the flu