Well said

U.S. Falling Into the Islamic State’s Trap

This post almost exactly echos my thoughts about these ISIS (or whatever they call themselves) dewds in Iraq: they are going to fade away if they can’t get the US to attack them. The average Joe and Jill in the US has not the faintest idea of the chaos in the middle east, the competing loyalties, the family ties that go back thousands of years, the fact that there hydraulic despotism (literal as well as figurative) all around the region due to its arid nature, etc. Also, the average Joe/Jill won’t take a few minutes to do any research to see if that spouts from the mouths of our ‘great leaders’ is anything but nonsense, the most glaring that Saddam was in bed with al-Qaeda (exactly the opposite: he hunted down and exterminated any trace of it he could find; the fact that despite his efforts there were some members in Iraq shouldn’t come to any surprise to anyone who isn’t surprised that Ted Kaczynski spent 17 years bombing people right here in the good old USofA). As such Americans have this rather quaint idea that unlike, say, the gangs in LA, the mob in Chicago, etc., the Middle East is a monolithic entity and only simple things happen. Heck, just drive up into the mountains of West Virginia and check out the feuds that ‘only’ go back a hundred years or so. Why should we expect a region that is literally the seat of civilization be immune from such things? So, the region is entirely fragmented by competing groups with various levels of influence and reach and after spending trillions of dollars and inflaming millions of people (and creating 10’s of thousand more terrorists!) by elevating Osama and al-Qaeda to the top of the pile, now we are going to do the courtesy of shifting our efforts to magnifying ISIS instead. How many trillions will we spend making ISIS the rally point for all the new terrorists we will be creating as we go about dropping bombs in this highly volatile region?

Sometimes I have to wonder if this really is an emotional knee-jerk (emphasis on ‘jerk’) reaction by our ‘great leaders’ or if it is really part of a 0.1% agenda to keep the (borrowed; anyone notice that once again we are going to ‘war’ without paying for it?) money flowing into the military-intelligence industrial complex? Sometimes I almost think Osama was being paid by the 0.1% to stir everything up. Perhaps those wearing tin foil hats have it right and we are all just bizarre puppets in some even more bizarre version of the Matrix, except we aren’t in a computer generated world where the computers harvesting our bio-electricity, we are in a world generated by the elite and they are harvesting our money.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...