I read an article that talked about carbon ‘reduction’ (the article isn’t really relevant to this post, so I won’t distract you with a link) and decided to climb up on my soap box for a few minutes and rant …
Author: Tfoui
The Cambridge Project for Existential Risk
Really, I didn’t make that up! They really did create it: http://cser.org/
I found it from this BBC article:
Risk of robot uprising wiping out human race to be studied
There is no doubt in my mind that humans …
The normalization of the erosion of privacy
Cheaters and the sinister normalisation of our surveillance society
With zero outrage, a hit TV show turns snooping on private citizens into entertainment. How little we value our liberties
In many ways the most horrifying part of this is …
Money for banks = good, money for people = bad
Unemployment benefits cost: $520 billion
The headline is clearly intended to fire up conservative blowhards who are convinced that poor people are stealing their money. Note that this figure is for the entire 5 year period of the Great …
AP believes it found evidence of Iran’s work on nuclear weapons
A primitive graph provided by “a country critical of Iran’s atomic program” indicts the news outlet more than Tehran
The drumbeat for the war with Iran continues. Below …
Bla bla bla…
There just doesn’t seem to be anything worth writing about today (or the last several days, though I wasn’t browsing the news sites, just glancing through the WaPo). Same old police state, same old corrupt politicians, same old ignorant sheeple …
The perils of passwords
Kill the Password: Why a String of Characters Can’t Protect Us Anymore
Yes, a long article, but one well worth reading for anyone reading this (since you clearly are on-line and thus have an on-line presence to protect and …
OK, now for a view from the other side
As I already admitted, I didn’t do any research to see if the management bore a substantial part of the responsibility for the problems Hostess is/was having. Perhaps I should have, as this article presents a pretty damning picture against …
Yes, but can this information extend my healthy lifespan?
Telomere length linked to risk of dying
Large study examines association between protective caps at end of chromosomes and health
Lots of science stuff today helping to make up, somewhat, from a dearth of blogging last week. This article …
Global Drought
Global drought may have changed less than thought
Simple models have overestimated drying over past 60 years
Once again there seems to be accumulating information that perhaps, just perhaps, we should take a collective deep breath and re-evaluate our …