Bla bla bla…

There just doesn’t seem to be anything worth writing about today (or the last several days, though I wasn’t browsing the news sites, just glancing through the WaPo). Same old police state, same old corrupt politicians, same old ignorant sheeple electing the corrupt politicians establishing (maintaining, now) the police state. It gets dull in repetition, just as much for my reader(s) as for me writing.

I have read a few somewhat interesting science articles, but again, nothing prompted me to write. I wish I could manufacture the space to do science again, but, much as I worry that my programming skills have totally atrophied, I guess I am afraid that my ability to do research has also left me. Ignorance is bliss, I can continue to lie to myself that I am still a scientist this way.

Still adjusting to the winter weather. I am quite certain that come Jan/Feb that the temps we are ‘enduring’ now will be a welcome heat wave, but now my blood is too thin and walking is often not as enjoyable as a consequence.

Thanksgiving was great, lots of awesome food to shovel down with two hands. Meals are fleeting, though. It seems that the pain from eating too much has barely gone away when the desire to belly up to the trough has materialized once again. Things will be a bit easier when my parents-in-law head back home in a couple of weeks, but then my mother will be visiting, so it might be January before we are able to establish stable eating patterns again and attempt to shed the blubber we have accumulated.

Construction efforts are showing visible signs of progress; I hope to get motivated to update my web site soon. We are taking a break from roofing for a while, I forgot that we couldn’t shingle the pavilion roof until we had built the common wall between it and the greenhouse, so that will be put off until spring, more than likely. We will be constructing the pool walls so we can backfill and finally stop worrying about the sides collapsing (the hole has been getting steadily wider all this time). I am cautiously optimistic that things will move faster, or at least appear to move faster, as the wall sections should go up fairly quickly and we don’t have to wait for the dew to burn off since we will be working under roof now.

I have mostly convinced myself that my fusion idea is possible, once again. I am not likely to pursue it for a couple of years, though, so if I am right the human species will just have to wait a while longer for unlimited energy. I just have too damn many things I am already not working on to start spending (more) money on this one. I am tempted to write it up and timestamp it, but with our new ‘first to file’ rules with the patent office I really don’t see any point. No doubt by the time I have the time to work on it someone else will have invented it, just like my DNA sequencing idea. C’est la vie.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...