Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence

So I happen across this article:

Scientists Publish Controversial Paper About Extra-Terrestrial Life on Meteorites

and think to myself, “that is quite interesting that there should be such ‘definitive’ evidence of extraterrestrial life and I am only finding out …

Success happens when you have a coincidence of talent, resources, and timing

Management/Success/Leadership: Mostly Bullshit

Scott Adams sometimes has very thought provoking things to say. Sometimes it is just bla bla bla (I am quite guilty of the same), but, as is said, the broken clock is right twice a day, …

The benefits of global warming

Two interesting articles on global warming and that it ain’t so bad for certain people/ecosystems…

Extra Heat Turning Northern Latitudes Green

Global Warming Pushing Trees North

Just like how global warming can help shipping and the ozone hole