Paleo diet

What The Hardened Arteries Of Ancient Mummies Mean For Picking A Diet

While I think this article is pointing out the obvious, it seems clear that to a lot of people this isn’t obvious at all. While nearly everyone (particularly in the US, but our way of life is contaminating the world) now has ‘rich people’ diseases (heart disease, diabetes, obesity, etc.), they are called ‘rich people’ diseases because they used to be very common _only_ among the rich. Eating a highly refined diet and not getting any exercise used to cost a great deal, today it is the cheapest lifestyle. As a consequence, only the rich can afford to eat unrefined meals and get exercise. So, the point of the article is to let everyone know that to live a long healthy life requires a lot of effort and being primitive didn’t mean they were free from our ‘rich people’ diseases.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...