Just get out there…

Even a 5-minute run can help prevent heart disease

In my continued effort to motivate any potential readers, the above article talks about some research that says even a tiny amount of jogging can have dramatic effects on your overall health. It takes an amazingly small amount of effort to get a very significant payback, there is increasingly little excuse for avoiding the effort. Even people who are obese, smoking and/or have diabetes saw the same sort of benefit (compared to their peers; this study has 55,000 people in it). They also caveat ‘run’ by saying it can be less than 6 MPH (which is a pretty slow jog already; when I was in boot camp I was ‘slow’ at 10 MPH), in general my reading has lead me to believe if you are moving at a rate that precludes any sort of conversation beyond a few words a minute you are operating at the ideal minimum effort (which naturally will change as you get into shape). A few beads of sweat on your brow and an increase in your heart rate and respiration are the goal, not any particular speed.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...