Statistical discrimination

A Separated Economist Gets Discriminated Against — Online

An interesting concept I hadn’t given much thought to, so worth it to me in that element alone. I also think it will appeal to my reader(s), so wanted to bring it to their attention.

I guess I statistically discriminate against humans. I feel the default state of humans as idiotic, lowest-energy state seeking blobs of flesh that, none-the-less are quite dangerous if provoked sufficiently. Sort of like a porcupine, humans are best to just leave alone, but if you learn a few tricks you can get an easy and tastee meal out of one (thinking of con men, here). Occasionally I am pleasantly surprised by non-idiot humans who invest in a bit of effort to lift themselves out of their lowest energy state, but I generally find my preconceived prejudices and biases confirmed, so rarely ignore any sign of a trend.

Maybe humans aren’t so bad as a species and I have just put on blinders to anything good from the maggoty lowlife scumbags. I don’t see that, though; it is just a theoretical possibility ;-).

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...