More sad news about the elite

Looting the Pension Funds
All across America, Wall Street is grabbing money meant for public workers

A rather sad article that details the hopeless stranglehold the elite have on the steadily shrinking middle class, but this time from the perspective of those hardy souls that work in the public sector. It used to be that the lifetime earnings of working in the public sector evened out when compared to the private sector (relatively meager salary, but nice pension for the public workers, nice salary but cruddy retirement for private sector), but now working in the public sector is just dumb, you get screwed now AND later. _EXACTLY_ like our federal government has robbed from Social Security and left nearly worthless IOUs, many states have done with their pension funds. Now, rather than admitting their part in the shell game, governments are now forcing these poor public workers to take it in the ass as their pensions are cut, sometimes by 50% or more (and try living off of $2K a month BEFORE that gets cut in half!). And, to add insult to injury, the states are now ‘investing’ their money into hedge funds that are taking the money and spending it on PR and politicians to further erode the pension to begin with. But hey, the rich keep getting richer from tax payer dollars, that is all that is important!

Why these dumb-assed tea party morons can’t see this is beyond me.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...