Our regressive tax system

Americans’ 90% tax rate

I knew things were bad at the lowest level, but I always get surprised at how bad it really is. In particular the rather substantial economic disincentive to getting married. There has always been talk about the ‘marriage penalty’, but it seems the poorer you are the bigger the penalty. To be poor isn’t to be stupid, indeed in many respects you have to be very canny to operate at that socioeconomic level because the cards are so carefully stacked against you. Lots of conservatives (I am related to several) blame the poor for sucking off the government tit instead of getting out there and getting a job. They ignore, of course, the massive disconnect between the assistance flooded to the elite in our country and the tiny dribs and drabs afforded the least fortunate and completely wipe from their minds that the shenanigans (to put it politely, really they broke all sorts of laws and aren’t likely to ever see any consequences) of the elite were largely (if not exclusively) the result of these people being unemployed to begin with.

Our society seems to thrive on providing the illusion that we give a damn about anyone besides the elite. Sometimes I get a bit confused why the elite give a damn how taxes are spent since they pay so little (as a percentage), but I guess any taxes paid to support society is that much less taxes they can rob for their own enjoyment.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...

One thought on “Our regressive tax system”

  1. I’m not for supporting the rich, nor am I for supporting the lazy, regardless of their wealth or lack thereof. I guess I don’t feel compelled to pick one side or the other. Both stink.

    I’m also not for the unequal justice that exists. White collar criminals should be severely punished and those who ARE convicted (few) should not be put in country club facilities without fences and guards. Stick ’em in with the rest. It’s okay with me if we separate violent and non-violent, but no other “class benefits” should apply.

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