Misery as motivator

Or de-motivator; something to think about…

The Unhappiness Motivator

I think Scott is on to something here. I have commented several times that I became a life-long learner in spite of my educational experience rather than because of it. If I wasn’t convinced that our boy would just goof off the whole time I would switch to home schooling immediately (maybe in a few more years, got to get his commitment as well as the boss’). I think the whole homework thing (indeed, the entire educational industrial complex) could honestly be considered a conspiracy to diminish kid’s interest in learning.

I am not sure what would be an acceptable solution (though I have talked about a couple (even here, I believe)), but what we have only ‘works’ if you consider subjecting kids to misery for 12 years in preparation for them being unhappy the rest of their lives is a good thing.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...