Good ole double standard

Why are Bob Woodward’s WH sources – or Woodward himself – not on trial next to Bradley Manning?
The extremist prosecution of Manning, accused of “aiding and abetting al-Qaida”, poses a real threat to US press freedom

It is only a classified leak if it is done by people the administration doesn’t like. In _any_ other case it is OK and not a violation of the laws of our country.

Just like torture is what other countries do, not what the US does.

And terrorism is only done by Muslims, NEVER by white people!

I realize that the only thing that stays the same is change, but I just have a lot of trouble envisioning the pendulum swinging back toward the middle (where, naturally, it will blast by toward another extreme). It just seems to me that we have a new ‘center’ and that point is now one where here in the US things like equal application of the law are quaint relics of an ancient, vanished time. Wealth and power will always provide some form of immunity to the hard knocks of ordinary people, but today it provides wholesale immunity where it seems there is no crime so violent or reprehensible that a privileged person should ever have the slightest bit of concerned. The extreme right wing babbles about arming for bloody revolution because Obama the ‘socialist’ is in office. They should be arming because Obama the oligarch is in office instead, but of course if Romney was doing the exact same thing (he no doubt would be continuing the Bush/Cheney/Obama policies) they would cheer him.

We sheeple deserve the fucked up government we have, after all, we make not the slightest tiniest bit of effort to change it. When the jack-booted secret police come for you (or more likely me), everyone else will turn a blind eye because by then to show any sympathy will be showing guilt by association.

I think the movie V for Vendetta was unrealistic in that it presumed that the sheeple would rise up if given incentive. I have increasingly lost faith in our citizenship to give a damn when their rights are stripped away.

Fucking morons!

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...