What is buried in the last-second agreement?

House staves off fiscal cliff, but more money squabbles lie ahead

I was actually hoping we would ‘go over the cliff’ and get all that extra revenue even though it was likely to result in a bit of a stall to our economy. Since that is what I was hoping for, naturally, that isn’t what happened (I bet someone could make a lot of money betting _against_ me at every opportunity); instead we had a last second agreement made and ramrodded through without anyone having any opportunity to review the legislation. I am convinced that there are all sorts of giveaways in there (I am too lazy to actually read that stuff, besides, I am sure I don’t need the aneurism that will no doubt result).

Of course, we immediately get to start this circus all over again since we are now at the debt ceiling. Personally, I hope that Obama simply ignores this issue and continues to operate the government like nothing has happened (while tenuous, there is some precedent in the Constitution (not that he really has any problem with stomping on that document!)).

Since this was a stop-gap measure anyway, most of this crap will all be revisited in two months except now we will have all our new legislators in place all wanting to make a name for themselves.

I predict lots of continued frustration for those of us who actually expect our government to govern…

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...