The US government _still_ treats Native Americans like dirt!

How abusers get away with targeting Indian women
The House has delayed the Violence Against Women Act over a provision that would protect Native American women

For those who think that the US’ shabby (to be generous) treatment of Native Americans is all in the past, please open your eyes and read the article above.

This is _no different_ from allowing one county in a state to prosecute an inhabitant of a different county (or state, for that matter, though they do have that bit about extradition). Yes, some pretense is often made that Native Americans are ‘self governing’, but that is a load of horse shit since they can’t even scratch themselves without permission.

Of course, since the rest of the country is now being treated to the same conditions as the Native Americans (meaning that law and justice are asymmetric), I expect that the greater probability of events is that conditions will devolve for non-Native Americans to the same abysmal level as Native Americans.

Author: Tfoui

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