More signs of the oligarchy

Four huge corporate power grabs possibly worse than Citizens United
These court cases offer a chilling reminder how close America has come to becoming an outright plutocracy

This author chooses to use the term ‘plutocracy‘ where I use ‘oligarchy‘, but I think the terms are largely interchangeable (basically, plutocracy is rule by wealth, oligarchy is ‘simply’ rule by a small group of people). However, I think it really is more honest to use the term ‘kleptocracy‘ because they really are stealing from the middle class by virtue of their control of the reins of government.

Anyway, the article is interesting because it helps to detail how your rights are going away. Just like our Constitution has been steadily repealed over the last couple of decades (greatly accelerated over the last 4 years), your rights as a citizen to expect law to support your actions equally with that of the biggest corporate entities has been steadily eroding.

Just thought you would like to know…

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...