I earlier mentioned the undoubted hoax document meant to fire the sheeple up about a war with Iran. Well, once caught out as the idiot that he is, the original AP author has double downed on his idiocy. This guy takes it apart nicely:

AP’s George Jahn Doubles Down On Fake “Iran” Graph

Sadly, as mentioned in a few comments, the author’s points won’t make a damn bit of difference. These people have learned that no matter how outrageous a lie is, the sheeple will believe it no matter how much evidence has been shown to them to the contrary. Of course, this is helped immensely by the Main Stream Media only covering the initial lie and totally ignoring any contrary statements (really, one has to assume that the MSM is actually actively promoting the lies because any real reporter would find the lie the more interesting thing to report on).

The only question now is when will the war with Iran actually start. At some point, much like the Gulf of Tonkin incident, some event will be manufactured (it seems that this one failed to achieve its end) or exaggerated and our military industrial complex will get yet another trillion dollar shot of stimulus money courtesy of the US tax payers.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...