Killing me softly with your breath

Elevated carbon dioxide may impair reasoning
Insufficient ventilation allows exhaled gas to build up indoors, diminishing decision-making abilities

This is really quite amazing to me. It makes me want to get a CO2 monitor and check things out. Even when I have done research at elevating CO2 levels in greenhouses to enhance plant growth I don’t think I expected to see levels of 2,500 ppm, so to think that this is an acceptable level in the work place is rather scary. The results of the experiment seem quite interesting, though they fail to quantify ‘astonishing’ and I am left to imagine the results.

As one commenter added:

Hmmm.. this may go some distance in explaining the remarkable rise, in the smoke-filled back rooms of Congress and Wall Street, of implacable stupidity and breathtaking ignorance in our vaunted leader’s insouciant unencumbrance with all things rational and commonsensical.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...