A chameleon will stay a chameleon

For a reasonably balanced view on why Romney is a better choice (or perhaps a less bad choice) than Obama, I offer this interesting post from Scott Adams…

Interesting Day

For me my ‘support’ of Obama (since I live in a ‘blue’ state, my voting for Romney wouldn’t make a particle of difference anyway (and, of course, it won’t make any difference voting for Obama, so I expect to stay at home since I haven’t paid the tiniest bit of attention to any of the other races)) boils down to the single issue (best to read the whole post, including updates, for this to make the most sense): I am most motivated by is how fast we move to the feudal oligarchical police state I see as our inevitable future. I see us moving faster with Romney in charge (chameleon / etch-a-sketch not withstanding), a wee bit slower with Obama in charge. Yes, Obama has done a whole lot of ‘fire-able’ offenses. Were Ron Paul the GOP candidate (as much as I detest him) I almost certainly would vote for him because of his strong advocacy against the Constitutional shredding of the current President and my expectation for shredding done by Romney/Obama the next four to eight years. However, given that our choices really boil down to exactly one (Romney or Obama; third-party candidates have exactly zero chance of gaining office traditionally and certainly in this election) I figure everything else will be equal except the rate at which the middle class is destroyed and I see it destroyed slower under Obama. Indeed, by avoiding the austerity that is so popular amongst the GOP elite, I see a chance that the middle class might have a chance to expand a bit under Obama.

So, as much as I agree with Scott’s post that Obama targeting marijuana dispensaries for political gain is a firing offense, I see the lesser of two evils (only a bit lesser!) as Obama vs my expectations for a Romney administration.

It is a close run thing, though, and if you have sympathy with Scott’s chameleon argument leading to a not terribly bad result then Romney would be your man.

Too bad there is no option for ‘none of the above’!

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...