Finally! An explanation

Why are Americans so easy to manipulate?
We may be loathe to admit it, but behaviorism and consumerism are cut from the same cloth

…behavior modification works best on dependent, powerless, infantilized, bored, and institutionalized people…

This an interesting article (well, duh! would I blog on something uninteresting to me?) that provides a plausible explanation for the sheeple-like behavior of our population. The article ‘speaks’ to me in the parallels with how people get motivated for taking on challenging work vs unchallenging work and how wrongly incentivising people can result in contrary activity. It also seems very plausible for the explanation for why our society is so “dependent, powerless, infantilized, bored, and institutionalized”, that is how they were created to make them easier to manipulate.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...