Your oligarchy at work…

For-profit inspectors allow toxic food
A Bloomberg Markets investigation shows dangers of food industry taking over from FDA

We don’t want no stinkin regulation! We can self-regulate no problem!

The ironic thing to me is that the ‘for profit’ aspect is a tax on food consumers that they never see or have a chance to evaluate. At the bottom of the article is mentioned that the FDA wanted to quadruple their budget to $4 billion in order to do the inspections themselves; I flat-out guarantee you that it costs the food consuming customer way more than $4 billion for the inadequate inspections already in place. Our society could save a lot of money by having the FDA do the inspections, but taint gunna happen today!

This is the fundamental problem I have with privatizing our government. Once some organization starts to make a profit they will use that profit to expand their business and will also use it to defend their profit if threatened. At least when the government does it there is some visibility to what is going on, but once it gets privatized that money gets hidden from view.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...