Yawn. More police state from the oligarchy…

US supreme court finalizes gift of immunity to the telecom giants
Yet again, the Congress, courts, executive branch and the establishment media work together to protect the nation’s most powerful actors

I haven’t droned on about our police state in a while and almost didn’t do so this time. When one sees the same travesty of justice over and over again with no method of recourse one gets numb to it. I try to maintain outrage, but it gets increasingly difficult. If our economy continues its slight upward trajectory, and the new administration and Congress don’t fuck it up with more austerity, then the majority of our ‘great’ country will be so happy that they can finally go to McDonald’s and pay their electric bill that they will further ignore the chronic law breaking of our government. Today there are only a few that take the time to expose the malfeasance, once the population is fat(er) and happy I predict the government will start to round up these few vocal opponents and disappear them into Guantanamo or some Siberian equivalent. Mebe I should stop posting so I don’t get on that list, eh?

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...