Belief perseverance

Can we stop lies from becoming “facts”?
Using strategies like “de-biasing,” scientists are working on concrete methods to prevent the spread of false info

An interesting article showing how damn cussed we are at changing our opinions. It seems the stronger held the opinion the more resistant is is to change. A parallel with an earlier post.

…Even simple traits such as language can affect acceptance: Studies have found that the way a statement is printed or voiced (or even the accent) can make those statements more believable. Misinformation is a human problem, not a liberal or conservative one…

It is interesting that they use global warming as their example, particularly given my rather extensive history regarding the topic. As I have mentioned a number of times in the past (regarding global warming), my concern is the knee jerk reaction against anyone suggesting that anything besides the elimination of the use of fossil fuels can possibly address the situation. I am not yet convinced that CO2 is actually at the root of the changes we have been observing and my concern is the quadrillion dollar hit to our global economy in an effort to minimize CO2 emissions isn’t going to do a damn thing except result in the death of hundreds of millions of people and a trip back to the stone age for the rest.

I got to be careful where I say this, though; could get burned at the stake as a heretic!

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...