The more you know the less you think…

Blue Truth, Red Truth
Both candidates say White House hopefuls should talk straight with voters. Here’s why neither man is ready to take his own advice

The ‘truth’ is, in fact, mutable, though it is clear that not everything could be interpreted as ‘true’ no matter how one spins things. Historically, though, it seemed to me that the more someone knew about a subject the _less_ certain he or she became about ‘truth’, but based on this article, the exact opposite is true now. The more educated people on a topic (at least when it comes to politics, the subject of the article) the less likely they will consider any information that is contrary to their biases, no matter how much independent proof is provided.

Even in the world of science there is very little ‘truth’ that is immutable. Experimental results are always subject to interpretation and, while quite rare, even if almost everyone agrees with a given interpretation that ‘truth’ can still be totally wrong. If we have such problems in an area where there is at least the formal effort to remain unbiased and only consider verifiable facts, imagine how difficult it could be to bore through the barriers to unwanted information in politics.

Yes, it is a long article, but I think it is worth reading, hence my blogging on it. Common you slackers! Invest a little!

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...