More financial shenanigans

Wall Street Rolling Back Another Key Piece of Financial Reform

Idint great to be an American? It fills me with pride to know that our government is so diligent in serving and protecting the oligarchy! So nice that we aren’t one of those dirty third-world countries!

So, apropos of my post yesterday regarding the special law specifically targeting the small-time operator who lacks the resources to complain, here we have hair splitting in a law specifically intended to keep the oligarchy from raping the (ever dwindling) middle class by targeting their local governments that actually makes the exact same activity legal again! It would be amazing if it weren’t so routine. Of course, the sheeple never know about this, they only remember the original passing of the law and never get any of the follow-up information. I used to believe that incompetence was the primary force behind governments doing bad things but I am really having to give that up and move into the conspiracy angle as this can’t be coincidental that the exact same thing happens over and over and over again.

But hey, any illusion of participation in our government has always been exactly that, so why is now any different? I am starting to feel like Cypher in the Matrix. I just want to be plugged back into my ignorance and forget about all this crap.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...