If you thought there was any privacy left…

Four ways your privacy is being invaded
Slowly but surely, government and telecommunications companies have forged a police-corporate surveillance complex

This is a rather long outline of all the ways we have lost privacy over the last several decades (greatly accelerated by 9/11). It probably won’t surprise too many of my reader(s), but on the off chance one fails to appreciate the depths that ‘invasion’ has gone to, this is great reading.

I suspect that in today’s world our youth are growing up without any expectations of privacy. Though they still seem to be surprised when their Facebook post winds up on the evening news, their collective response seems to be a shrugging of shoulders. Us oldly moldy folk probably clearly recall an era where it actually took resources to pry into someone’s personal life (as opposed to it all being collected automatically, like today) so are astonished and horrified at ease in which our most intimate information winds up common knowledge.

However, in order to participate in our modern society (a place where I can write a blog like this and be a bit surprised when it seems I have more than 10 regular, daily readers) it seems that giving up much of our privacy is critical to its smooth functioning. Making such activity criminal won’t change anything, except, of course, except drive the collection and dissemination underground (though, to so many of our fellow citizens, appearance _is_ reality), so if you don’t like this sort of invasion, find some nice 4th world country and get accustomed to living off the grid and learn to enjoy life with less.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...