American InJustice IS the system

Can we predict a wrongful conviction?
Experts find recurring themes in these cases, and safeguards in the system become “speed bumps at best”

I discuss the idea of InJustice here off and on and in the rush to make it even easier to target everyone ‘knows’ is guilty (for instance “Drew’s law” used to convict Drew Peterson recently) people don’t seem to give a damn about whether there is actual evidence. This article is interesting in that it seems to take apart the process that leads to conviction of innocents from the very beginning when the police jump to the conclusion that person is responsible through the multiple layers that build on the group think that “heck, if the guy isn’t guilty, why has he made it this far?” leads to railroading people. While I am sure that there are people who have been malevolently targeted by individuals in the InJustice system, I think the majority are ‘railroaded’ by people too lazy to do their damn jobs and think critically.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...