A different take on the power of the elite

The closing of American academia
The plight of adjunct professors highlights the end of higher education as a means to prosperity.

Just like there is the GOP complaint toward the Democrats (and Beatles refrain) “tax the rich until there are no more rich”, here we have a case where we jack up the cost and cut back the compensation of education so far that the only people who can now afford to get degrees and then teach are the monied class. The GOP likes to babble that the liberals have flooded the education system and are teaching their children nothing but nonsense, but imagine, if you will, where the only place to get an education is one designed so you can only get knowledge approved by the elite oligarchy. Talk about pouring cement around our nascent feudal system!

Oh well, it isn’t like there is any single thing wrong with our society, it is all symptoms of the same thing feeding back on itself. I was thinking just yesterday that had I been mentored at some point and not been left to fend for myself I almost certainly would have slipped into the elite class (and mindset) without any conscious thought. Not that that realization means dick since my capacity to influence events at this point is so close to zero that it is indistinguishable.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...