Yes, Obama is evil…

Impunity at Home, Rendition Abroad
How two administrations and both parties made illegality the American way of life.

Proof, as if it were needed to any discerning reader, that Obama is evil AND his evil is recognized by liberals (can you get more liberal than Mother Jones?).

The reason why I ‘back’ Obama over Romney as the lesser of evils is because I fully expect Romney, were he to be elected, to continue the Bush/Cheney/Obama policies unabated. Therefore, in addition to continuing the executive shredding of the Constitution, Romney will ALSO destroy what is left of the middle class with even bigger gifts to the elite than Obama has given.

Things are definitely going to get worse (if they ever get better), and I view the Romney vs Obama choice is how fast to we get worse. I view Obama as less bad than Romney, meaning we get worse slower if Obama is elected.

Vote Obama: at least he gives you lube when he fucks you!

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...

2 thoughts on “Yes, Obama is evil…”

  1. I’m not sure how you come to your conclusions. There’s an indisputable record of Bush as a president and an indisputable record of Obama as a president. There’s nothing comparable for Romney as a president. His record as a businessman and as a governor and as a privileged person and as a Mormon may raise questions, but there’s nothing to suggest what his foreign policy might be.

    The other thing I fail to understand about your posts is your plumping for the greatest good for the greatest number. I understand plumping for better good for the non-one-percent. They are not, however, equivalent. Surely you have encountered the reality of the 80/20 rule (or, if you like, the 90/10 rule or the 70/30 rule). By no stretch of the imagination that this be extended to the 99/1 rule. The last 9%, if you go for 99/1 over a questionable 90/10, are incredibly useless and a worthless burden, if the advancement of the human race is a criterion.

    You should also be careful with the use of the term, “sheeple.” First of all, it’s shop-worn. Second of all, the sheep will someday rebel at your comparison of them to idiots. They will then rise up and kill you. Stay away from sheep farms.

    1. You are right, I should stop denigrating the sheep with that comparison!

      I do not assume that the greatest good for the greatest number is the same as everyone getting a free ride. I do, though, think that everyone deserves the _opportunity_ to advance (just like they have the right to _pursue_ happiness), something I see as very unlikely now and extremely unlikely if a guy like Romney gets elected. We _already_ have someone who represents the 1% in office now, I can’t imagine things getting any better with someone who represents the 0.01% being there, particularly not with his already expressed attitudes (like wanting to cut capital gains and dividend taxes to zero).

      You are correct in that I can’t know Romney’s foreign policy, he doesn’t say anything concrete about any policies he might implement, foreign or otherwise. I don’t see any reason, though, to expect that he would alter anything significant since Obama has basically continued the previous Republican foreign policy and Romney has shown he is quite happy with bending to the whim of the powers-that-be. Thus, I conclude that nothing will improve for the middle class under Romney and will be much more likely to get worse, while other policies of the Bush/Cheney/Obama administrations will be unchanged. Better the evil you know than the evil you don’t.

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