Romney/Ryan (or is that Ryan/Romney?)

The Five Fatal Flaws of Romney’s Ryan Veep Pick

I didn’t feel motivated to comment on this before, but figured I would slide this one in here for any of my reader(s) who might still be considering Romney as a lesser evil compared to the Constitutional shredding evil we have in office today. It nicely sums up what I recall reading about Ryan and his rather idiotic (if you are not in the 1%, of course; ZERO taxes on capital gains and dividends?) budget proposal, but also points out some other issues that make me think that Romney is just making things worse. It is like he is so passionate about disavowing the ‘etch-a-sketch’ comment that he wants to pivot further to the right instead of towards the center. I am not sure how he thinks that will win him independents and keep him from losing moderate Republicans, but he is well known to listen to only a small inner circle and perhaps that inner circle is either lying to itself or simply lying to Romney for some reason.

Now that Ryan has been chosen the airwaves are going to be flooded with the proposed damage to old people, a demographic that traditionally has a high voter turnout AND one that tended to vote Republican. What chance that these people will simply stay home now? Romney basically needs every single white vote he can get, what with his alienating the Hispanics and the blacks so consistently, now he is driving away retirees, a group that tends to be disproportionately white.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...