Moral relativism

Unrestrained savagery
In Yemen, Al Qaeda bombs a funeral of someone it killed days earlier. How can Terrorist monsters do this?

Glenn is such a far out voice in the wilderness. Shouting in a vacuum all the time surely has to be bad for you; I hope he doesn’t get sick of it, though it seems clear to me nothing will change.

It never ceases to amaze me that so many Americans hold such a high opinion of their own government. Our country’s history is replete with situations where the moral low ground is fully occupied. How to explain to these people our country’s willingness, nay eagerness, to turn a blind eye toward morally and ethically heinous behavior. Where to start? Where to end? Of course, there is no end as the above article clearly delineates.

Do these ‘true believers’ really not know? Are they really that ignorant that they failed to learn anything about our country’s history and are incapable of reading newspaper headlines today?

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, right? By that logic 9/11 was perfectly justifiable on the part of Al Qaeda, as are any future attacks. Indeed, these moronic shootemups we have been experiencing lately (I wonder if that idiot who shot up a Sikh temple thought they were Muslims) might be divine retribution for the US having so utterly fallen from grace in the eyes of their Christian Lord (though I am quite certain the Fundamentalists would find it impossible to believe so).

Author: Tfoui

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