There are some great writers at Cracked!

4 Reasons Hollywood Sucks (And It’s All Our Fault)

There are some great writers at Cracked, the above got me into fits of laughter I had to painfully suppress because I am at work. The whole article is amusing, but this is my favorite part:

Number one reason: #1. We’re Too Media Savvy

How long has it been since we got a fresh, original story to get addicted to, though? If something’s not a sequel, it’s a reboot. If it’s not a reboot, it’s a reimagining. If it’s not a reimagining, it’s a mashup, or an homage, or a series of transparent references. It feels like we’ve seen everything before, doesn’t it? Movies today aren’t like new hit songs; they’re like house DJ remixes — more obnoxious versions of classic hits we’ve all heard a million times before. Are movies getting worse, or am I just getting old, or has the unique combination of exhaust fumes, whiskey, Red Bull and sun exposure that comprises my typical weekend permanently deformed the part of my brain that registers joy?


But ALSO, it’s because the last few generations of us all came of age at the highest point of media saturation in human history. When we were kids, cable TV was just hitting its stride, home video was all the rage, video games were first realizing their potential and the Internet was connecting everything together into one all-consuming pop culture blob. That blob hungrily, mindlessly devoured every piece of media it could get its gelatinous jowls around, and inevitably, it started excreting the desiccated remains out the other side.

This is that other side.

We, friends, are living beneath the asshole of the pop culture blob.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...