A case against term limits

Why our extreme politics will get even worse
Term limits, redistricting, ideology and inexperience in Congress will result in even more partisan gridlock

Pretty much until reading this article I was a strong proponent of term limits. However, the article serves as a strong argument against such, though in my mind Gerrymandering is a very substantial issue (as, of course, is unlimited funds). Just like the change in mind I had regarding legalizing drugs, I see this article as having the capacity to start changing my mind regarding term limits. The issue, once again, is unintended consequences. Just like legalizing drugs incentivises drug companies to aggressively market to maximize their profit, setting term limits seems to increase the power of lobbyists. Lobbyists already have an outsized influence on our government, particularly egregious because they are unelected and act in total secrecy. However, newbies need help and what better help than being mentored by someone just booted due to term limits? What does it matter that this ex-legislator is now bought and paid for by some (or several) industries, at least they know how things work, right?

Now it is quite plausible to me that if we did away with Gerrymandering we might wind up electing less partisan officials who might be more inclined to work with one another, so less likely to get advice from lobbyists, but clearly term limits need some thought regarding unintended consequences.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...