I am not sure this is a good approach, though

Our Imbecilic Constitution

There are problems with our government implementation, but I am pretty sure that this is not the best solution. While I agree that our Constitution was meant to be a living document and I think that the GOP ‘purists’ are idiots (that these same idiots also think that the King James version of the bible is God’s word probably plays into it as well), I don’t think that the appropriate approach is to trash the thing and start making changes willy nilly. I think it should be difficult to make permanent changes to our government structure, not trivial, and I think laws should be easy to overturn, not difficult. Though our current government is made up largely of gridlock on a lot of issues, that is because the oligarchical power behind the ‘throne’ wants it that way, our government has no problems at all prosecuting idiot, unfunded wars or removing the last scraps of regulation in our run-away ‘capitalistic’ society (we are no more capitalists than we are a democracy).

My number one complaint about the electoral college is not that it ‘unfairly’ bolsters low population states (each state gets a minimum of three votes, one each for their senators and representatives), but that the votes are awarded in a winner-take-all manner when I think it should be proportional to the popular vote.

I do feel that there are massive problems with our government, but I don’t think we have massive problems with our Constitution. Lets not throw the baby out with the bathwater! Instead, lets get rid of the monied special interests (of course, that is really a joke, since there isn’t a damn thing ordinary people can do about the current situation). Rather than making it _easier_ for the oligarchy to control our government, as the author champions, we should make it _harder_ by forcing actual representation.

More of my thoughts on these sorts of things can be found by searching here.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...