American InJustice

Another innocent executed?
The state of Texas killed Carlos DeLuna for a crime he appears not to have committed, according to a new report

Personally I got no problem with the death penalty. Well, I do have a problem, but my problem is that it takes too long for the sentence to be carried out and I am convinced therefore it has absolutely no deterrent factor at all. What I do have a problem with is prosecutorial misconduct and _that_ going unpunished. I am a firm believer that when a prosecutor is shown to have willfully lied (or that he or she should have known) about something material to the case (as is quite clear from reading the above article, since the cops were investigating this other guy) they should suffer at least the same fate as the person their actions imperiled. That we are light years away from anything like that happening is a source of a huge amount of anger on my part and one of the reasons I have so little trust in our ‘justice’ system. It is this asymmetric application of the law that pisses me off so much. Here is another spectacular instance, but going the other way:

Likely victory for MeK shills
Former U.S. officials, paid to advcoate[sic] for a designated Terror group, are now on the verge of succeeding

These two articles are perfect examples of the oligarchy-controlled police state that we live in. On the one hand, be poor and caught in the system and you are going down, truth, facts, etc., to the contrary. On the other hand, be unassailably guilty, yet not even be seriously investigated, let alone charged, tried or convicted.

Tain’t likely to get better before it gets worse, so the real ‘fun’ is guessing how much worse it will get before there is any chance of improvement.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...