Blood boiling litany of how the oligarchy works…

How Wall Street Killed Financial Reform
It’s bad enough that the banks strangled the Dodd-Frank law. Even worse is the way they did it – with a big assist Congress and the White House.

Yes it is a long article, but if you give a damn about your country you need to read it so at least you know in your bones that the apocalypse (for the 99%, anyway) is right around the corner. As I have said earlier in “Why the rich don’t care about a robust economy“, the 99% is on the fast slide to abject poverty. It is only if you somehow manage to leap up and claw your way into the upper echelons of the 1% that you will have any chance at economic survival.

It is quite likely that the oligarchy will continue our farcical ‘democracy’ for a while (as it is doing so now by allowing our current silly-assed Presidential election where the daylight between the two is essentially nonexistent), it gives the sheeple a target for their angst. Sort of like the cape of the matador gives the bull a target for its wrath.

Man I wish I could retreat to ignorant bliss!

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...