In the words of Julius Caesar

A vital (and unlearned) lesson from Julius Caesar
When a band of Roman traitors was uncovered, he urged they not be killed due to the precedent it would set

Not that anyone on our government has the wit to comprehend, they are nearly all either criminals outright or in the pay of criminals. I encourage my reader(s) to take a look at this article and read Caesar’s words.

I often don’t read the comments in other blogs (I read all of mine, but that is a trivial task), but I found this one quite amusing:

Glenn, Glenn, Glenn…

Don’t you realize that we Americans are EXCEPTIONAL? The lessons of history don’t apply to US! Nor do the laws of physics, for that matter.

That’s us good liberal Obamabots, of course. Republicans should learn from THEIR mistakes, but never do.

By the way, I finally figured out the correct spelling of “Exceptionalism”! It’s n-a-r-c-i-s-s-i-s-m…

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...