Idiot Rich

America’s idiot rich
The 1 percent is complaining louder than ever. There can be no reasoning with people this irrational

I didn’t research any of the supporting links, but the article does jive with my reading over the last couple of years. I am left flabbergasted by people who continue to insist that Obama is a rampant socialist intent on taxing rich into nonexistence just to feed a few poor people. I am related to several of them. How the hell do these people get their information? From the idiot fairies or something? Clearly they haven’t even been reading the front page of the Washington Post, hardly a bastion of liberal thought.

The rich really are different than the rest of us: they live in an information bubble that protects them from hearing anything that fails to match their preconceived notions. As much as I intellectually favor a fair tax policy since I still hold out hopes to become uber-rich, sometimes I would like to see these idiots taxed into nonexistence just so they have to learn what it means to live like the rest of us.

Author: Tfoui

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