Americans Elect falls on its face

Americans Elect canceling caucuses, has no candidates
Elites discover actual voters don’t share their thirst for a “moderate” deficit hawk independent candidate

I am not shocked that this happened. Almost by default Americans Elect (AE) is attempting to attract the more thoughtful people in the electorate, the ones most likely to be offended by the insane babble on the right and left, yet they have carefully crafted a set of rules and bylaws that create an opaque selection process that clearly favors the decisions of the major financial backers of the group. Then, to further insult the intelligence of their target audience, they won’t be bothered with actually identifying those financial backers. It isn’t any wonder to me that they failed to get the target number of participants, it is a wonder to me that they got as many as they did! It didn’t take me much research to realize that they were no better than the idiots we already have to deal with, I am sure that others of my ilk made the same sort of conclusion very early on. Had it been something I could believe in you can be sure that AE would be all over my blog and I would have been aggressively promoting it. I detest the status quo in our insane popularity contest, but I am not going to lift a finger if I think that any alternative is just as bad.

I can’t help but wonder if the principals behind this effort really don’t get it. Since they are members of the 1%, that is highly likely the case.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...