Why science matters

Measles cases reached 15-year high in 2011

This is why it is important that the sheeple NOT get their information from idiots who are constitutionally incapable of understanding science, cause and effect and experimental controls. Of course, being sheeple they go with whomsoever makes the most noise, creates the best spectacle, makes up the most persuasive lies, etc., but that won’t stop me from bitching (this blog gives my wife some peace and quiet since I no longer have to rant to her to get rid of my angst; thanks to you reader(s) for your participation!). Yes, there are quite a few conspiracies in our world (don’t get me started on Wall Street’s collusion with our government to pick the tax payer’s pocket, for instance), but for the most part science is something that relies on actual experimental results, not wishful thinking by idiots. Science has shown that the prospects of anything negative to society resulting from vaccination are orders of magnitude less than the negatives to society from not being vaccinated. Even when there is a tiny prospect of harm (the use of mercury to stabilize the vaccines during storage, for instance), yet they are unable to find any evidence that there is harm, by exercising some creativity they eliminate the small prospects the scientific way and retain the vaccine’s effectiveness.

I wish I could stop reading all these news sites; I am sure I would be a lot more happy if I wasn’t so cognizant of our society’s decay.

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...