Obama in GOP clothing

Is Obama no better than the GOP?
People who say there’s no distinction between the parties underestimate the big importance of small differences

I see these ‘small differences’ as meaningless noise. When you have a choice between things that are 98% identical in anything you care to measure and the remaining 2% differences are so trivial so as to not matter, who gives a damn? Obama took office with firm control of the House AND Senate, but didn’t do a damn thing for those two years. People like to claim that the GOP landslide in the House was a result of Obama pushing all sorts of progressive agenda (really, what? I don’t recall anything), but I characterize it as a wholesale rejection of a do-nothing Congress with full control by one party. I doubt the House will be in full GOP control after this November, the GOP has a very negative image amongst voters in general, and it is almost certain, to me, that the Senate will retain more than enough Democrats that they can play the exact same moronic games the GOP is doing now (I am at a loss on how we got to needing 60 votes to do a damn thing there). Thus, if Romney wins (right now he really needs the economy to take a dive for that to happen) he won’t be able to impose his agenda willy nilly either.

Thus, despite despising many of his ideas, I still support Ron Paul for President. At least there is a chance something will change.

Author: Tfoui

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