“…making our democracy look a lot more like a plutocracy”

Can 46 rich dudes buy an election?

I suspect the answer is an unequivocal ‘yes’. Of course all Citizens United did was legitimise what was going on all along, the rich and powerful will always have an outsize impact on any ‘democratic’ election, certainly as long as the sheeple will buy lies told them often enough. I suppose there is a tiny chance that if we had an educated and interested electorate the money might not have any impact, but with our moronic popularity contest where the easily led sheeple will do what they are told, money makes all the difference.

To me, though, the outcome remains irrelevant. At the local level (as the bottom of the article alludes to), elections are way more easily bought. At the national level, simply being able to play the game means you have had to sell your soul to whomsoever controls the strings. That Romney remains the de-facto nominee shows the importance of having an infrastructure in place. How many delegates did Santorum lose because he hasn’t taken the time to develop the nation-wide infrastructure?

So, at the national level, I still see the choice as death-by-firing-squad or death-by-hanging (you can pick which belongs to who, it makes no nevermind to me).

Author: Tfoui

He who spews forth data that could be construed as information...